Wednesday, December 22, 2010

An Aussie Christmas

I know, I know.... I've neglected my blog shamefully, but am happy to say it's because I've been having such a fantastic time that I've hardly had time to get on the computer.

Life is busy as I finish up work for the year, plan our Christmas/Solstice family celebration and spend time with Del sister and her boys who are over from the UK for a short while. Way to short a while.

The following video isn't your usual Christmas song, and for all my Northern Hemisphere friends it may give you a little perspective of what Christmas here is like. Although the song is very tongue in cheek, scarily it's also a fairly accurate account of Christmas in Australia!

And so to everyone Merry Christmas/Solstice, enjoy your family and friends, stay safe and count your blessings.

Without further ado, enjoy "Aussie Jingle Bells".


  1. I love it! how hilarious! I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your boys! I hope you all have a fabulous holiday!

  3. what a great song, that is so neat and yes I can imagine you guys all enjoying it that way.

    A belated Merry Christmas to you all and I hope Santa was good to you all?

