Sunday, April 10, 2022

My Tranquil Eccentricty

Definition of Tranquil :

- free from agitation of mind or spirit  

Definition of Eccentric : 

- deviating from the conventional especially in odd or whimsical ways

I’m choosing to start documenting my days as I journey to living my life in a tranquil and unique way that feels right for me. 

For a long time I’ve had aspirations of living the “perfect” life (for me) but it can easily become a routine of wake up, eat, work, perform all the necessary tasks, watch some Netflix and go to bed. Yawn!

Not the most joyful or inspiring way to live life is it?

But damn it, it’s my life and I’ve decided to change that and to intentionally chose to live a joyful life here on this beautiful planet. Still with Netflix of course but also more of what is good for my mind, body and soul.

I know that some days are amazing, some days not so much and most are a blend of the two. 

However no matter what the day is like I want to live it in a peaceful way, a unique way, my own Tranquil Eccentric way. 

Let’s see how this goes.